They were established in 2009. The school complex comprises a Kindergarten, a Primary School,  an Academic  Secondary School and an Academic Comprehensive Secondary School FLEX. At present 500 pupils attend our schools.

Our mission 

We help to discover, understand, change oneself and the world around. 

We believe that the main goals of education are support, understanding, showing  different paths and opportunities of development and building students’ self-esteem. We want our pupils to be guided in their lives by passion, involvement, openness, cooperation, responsibility and intellectual curiosity.

Experienced teaching staff 

The team of Da Vinci teachers combine professional experience with  modern style of teaching. Thanks to our openness to change, we adapt our methods and forms of teaching to students’ needs. The school we create is friendly and  open,   with students and teachers  as partners in  the educational dialogue. Teachers do their best to discover talents of their students and create optimal conditions for their development while emphasizing the importance of passion in achieving one’s intellectual potential, boost students’ self-esteem, teach cooperation  as well as doing something meaningful for others. Our team’s teaching is conducted through experiencing, teamwork and using modern media during lessons.  Cooperation of teachers allows for cross-curricular teaching , which in turn helps students to understand the interconnection of different subjects to enforce key knowledge.

Project work

School conducts a series of extracurricular projects, which include:

  • educational projects for early primary grades ( 1-3)  involving various activities related to music, art, literature, musical, artistic, literature, cooking, sport, meeting interesting people, visiting places of interest, trips, competitions, festivals, fairy tale evenings , exhibitions.
  • for grades 4-8 – a series of meetings entitled  “Da Vinci Guest”   in which inspiring people of various interests, talents, fascinating jobs or experiences are invited to meet  and talk to students. There is also a successful Odyssey of the Mind project group.

Pupils of  Da Vinci Kindergarten and Primary School may choose from a wide variety of afternoon activities which help to develop their hobbies and talents.

Secondary school students participate in many local and international projects.  The flagship of Academic Secondary  School is Young Malta Festival.


Da Vinci Kindergarten and Primary School are situated in Golecin district. In the two-storey building there are classrooms, science and IT labs, a library and a modern gym.

Academic Secondary School and FLEX Secondary School are located in the building of Collegium Da Vinci at Kutrzeby Street 10, which is  in the city centre, close to the Citadel and  the Old Market Square. This location of secondary school in academic environment creates amazing opportunities for creative, passion-driven and curious young people. Secondary school students have multimedia classrooms, well-equipped IT  and science labs and college library at their disposal. They may also use the building’s sport facilities: a huge gym with a fitness hall, four squash courts. Another place which allows for daring theatre projects is a modern  performance hall- Aula Artis.

International cooperation

Da Vinci Academic Secondary Schools participate actively in European Union Erasmus+ educational projects. Both students and teachers attend trainings, educational mobilities, and cooperate for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Thanks to the participation in Erasmus+ programme we cooperate with schools from Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Hungary, Germany, Latvia, the Netherlands and Finland:

· No memorize anymore, come and play for more (2017-2019)

· A.R.T.E.M.I.S. (2018-2021)

· Oxford Style International Debates (2018-2021)

· DE.M.O.S. (2019-2021)

· SOLE. School in the Clouds. A complementary approach to learning (2019-2021)

· Creative drama in the post-pandemic classroom (2022-2024)

· EU.KISS (2022-2025)

· Let’s AI improve European schools and citizens’ lives (2023-2025)

· Erasmus+ Accreditation in School Education (2021-2027)

· Psychological support and social-emotional learning in high school (2024-2025)

Our school participates also in Microsoft Schools Programme and Google for Education, which helps students to cooperate, create, develop their life skills needed to achieve success in the future. Microsoft and Google tools and technology for education meet our students’ needs and help in developing practical skills, while trainings, resources and educational tools help teachers to introduce necessary changes in their methods of teaching. Microsoft for education also supports STEM students and teachers by providing resources, tools and workshops.

International Projects

Erasmus+ Accreditation in School Education

Thanks to the accreditation granted to our school under the Erasmus+ program, teachers of various subjects can participate in international training sessions and observe the work of teachers in European schools where they enhance their teaching skills, explore the latest teaching methods, and, most importantly, exchange experiences with educators from across Europe. These interactions foster connections that will translate into new international projects for students in the future.

Let’s AI improve European schools and citizens’ lives

The Erasmus+ project is an innovative initiative aimed at equipping students and educators with knowledge and skills in artificial intelligence (AI) while fostering international collaboration and ethical awareness. Through a variety of dynamic activities, including international meetings, online and offline trainings, the EduTALK student conference, AI-themed hackathons, and Oxford-style debates, participants will explore the possibilities, limitations, and ethical implications of AI in education and daily life. The project aims to fill gaps in the core curriculum by teaching the potential, risks, and challenges of AI, while also enhancing cooperation, communication, and English language skills.

Creative drama in the post-pandemic classroom

The Erasmus+ project united schools from Poland, Turkey, the Netherlands, and Latvia to address the challenges faced by young people in the aftermath of the pandemic. Focused on nurturing mental well-being and tackling learning disadvantages, the project aimed to equip students with strategies to manage stress, improve key competences, and overcome educational setbacks. Through international collaboration, we implemented activities such as creative drama workshops, coaching sessions, and mindfulness training for teachers and students. The project also featured an open teacher’s conference, sharing practical methods for integrating creative drama into classroom. This initiative has empowered educators and students to thrive in the post-pandemic world, promoting mental well-being and academic resilience.

EU.KISS (Knowledge about European Union for High School Students)

Our school is proud to introduce a new subject, Knowledge of the European Union, aimed at promoting the benefits of European integration, emphasizing European values, and understanding the functioning of EU institutions. Designed for bilingual class students and taught in English at the senior level, this course takes an innovative approach to engage students. Instead of traditional teaching methods, the curriculum is built around key EU-celebrated days, such as European Justice Day, and awareness campaigns, like those marking the International Day Against Homophobia. This dynamic and interactive format ensures that students gain a deeper understanding of EU ideals while fostering a sense of active citizenship.

No memorize anymore, come and play for more 

This two-year project focuses on game-based learning method, which involves using both popular and traditional games as well as mobile applications and computer games which can be used in teaching and learning. Playing is a logical process whose ultimate aim is achieving mastership. Using a wide variety of games ( mobile applications, e-learning platforms, urban games, strategic games, board games, escape rooms, etc.) allows to introduce new concepts during a lesson, uses different learning styles, teaches critical thinking, develops algorithmic skills and enhances students’ involvement.


This is a three-year (2018-2021) Erasmus+ project with schools from Turkey and Finland. The main purpose of the project is to increase the STEM  subjects’ importance in education and the exchange of good practices with partner schools, as in the 21st century science, modern technologies and foreign languages  are the most significant.


It is a two-year  (2019-2021)  Erasmus + KA 229 project with schools from Turkey, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, and Latvia.   The purpose of the project is the exchange of good practices in conducting a research, preparing arguments and  forming a substantive discussion. During meetings in partner schools students have a chance to have a debate in English and work in international teams discussing topical issues and problems. Apart from participating in discussions they have a chance to learn about the culture and traditions of a host country thanks to a rich cultural programme prepared by each partner school.

Oxford Style International Debates 

An 18-month (2018-2021) Erasmus + KA 2229  project with schools from Germany, Portugal, Italy and Spain. The purpose of the Project is training students in conducting substantive discussions in English about contemporary European problems. Students visit each partner school where during a 4-day visit they participate in 5 debates- 2 in international and 3 in national teams. The topics of debates are chosen  by students in international voting. Debates are accompanied by a variety of  activities  enabling cross-cultural exchange.

SOLE. School in the Clouds. A complementary approach to learning (2019-2021)  

During the eTwinning Conference in Nottingham in June 2015 Sugata Mitra gave a video presentation of his “Hole in the Wall” experiment in India that made him famous and won him a TED Talk award in 2013 for his child driven education ideas. His experiment showed that if children are motivated and given the tools they will teach themselves and each other. 

Our new  SOLE project results from discussions following Sugata Mitra’s video presentation and is to answer the question about how Sugata Mitra’s methods can be effectively adopted and applied in many different classrooms.  Together with our partner school Sagrada Familia from El Masnou, Spain, we are testing the method among students aged 13-15. The project involves also one visit of Polish students and teachers in Spain and one visit of our friends in Poznan.


  • To improve our students’ English level with the introduction of cooperative work with our partners through activities during the two-year project.
  • To increase the feeling of belonging to Europe through the work we will carry out between the two schools.
  • To develop the students’ skills and abilities to look for unknown information, ICT.
  • To make the students feel attracted to learn by searching / discovering information.
  • To make students analyze, evaluate and create rather than remember facts explained by others.
  • To make teachers act as an adviser, a coach, a motivator.

Young Malta Festival

Young Malta Festival was a school theatre festival held annually between 2014 and 2019 at Da Vinci Secondary School in Poznan, Poland. This cultural event was organized under the auspices of Malta Foundation, in cooperation with Vox Artis Foundation and Collegium Da Vinci. 

The week-long June event was a unique opportunity for young people from Europe to meet and use theatre as the language of discussion about modern day problems. The festival was a live forum for deepening cross-cultural exchange, breaking barriers and stereotypes and promoting tolerance and openness to diversity. Theatre was a means of achieving these goals because it uses the universal language of communication which is understood by everyone and allows for multidimensional presentation of difficult topics. 

Every year about 100 pupils from Poland, Ukraine, Germany, Spain and Portugal met and participated in workshops, discussions and integration events.


International Project Coordinator:

Izabela Kusicielek,


Da Vinci Kindergarten and Primary School

ul. Golęcińska 9, 60-626 Poznań, Poland, Tel. +48 61 844 55 41


Da Vinci Academic Secondary School

ul. Kutrzeby 10 61-719 Poznań, Poland, Tel. +48 61 271 11 61